
Tony Golsby-Smith

Letter to an agnostic friend about glory

We ranged in our conversation over these topics, and I thought it might be valuable for you if I just summarised from memory some of the points that I made, which I think you found interesting.
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Rikk E. Watts

On The Edge of the Millennium: Making Sense of Genesis 1

Interpreting Genesis 1 continues to be a controversial issue. In article Rikk Watts digs deeper beyond the simplistic literal v literary arguments revealing a rich, rewarding and useful picture.
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Tony Golsby-Smith

Love and the ‘angry God’ in Jeremiah

Does Jeremiah support the 'punishment as justice' paradigm?
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Tony Golsby-Smith

Jeremiah on the First-Fruits of His Harvest

The issue of inclusion and exclusion dogs the story of salvation. What did Jeremiah think
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Tony Golsby-Smith

Faith and Design

This is an essay that I wrote for my graduate class at Carnegie Mellon University at the end of our semester. They asked for an explanation of the faith and worldview that they saw underpinned my teaching
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Tony Golsby-Smith

The dark side of the 'True Vine'

There appears to be a dark side to this ‘true vine’ discourse by Jesus which is the discarded branches. In verse 2, the Father/gardener ‘cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit’ and in verse 6 he says that ‘if anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up and thrown into the fire and burned’.
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